Warman Open House
Read MoreDrop by between 5:30-7:30 p.m. and connect with program coordinators and student advisers to learn about the programs and student life offered at our Warman Campus. Information about scholarships, financial aid and the application process will be available.
Biggar Adult Basic Education Information Night
Read MoreWe're excited to explore the possibility of bringing the Adult Basic Education program to Biggar and we need your input to make it happen!Why Attend?
Great Plains College awards sixth SREDA Indigenous Economic Development Scholarship
Read MoreWARMAN, SK – The Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority (SREDA), Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network (SIEDN) and Great Plains College were proud to award the sixth SREDA Indigenous Economic Development Scholarship (
Great Plains College to host economic development breakfast with President Emeritus, Mark Frison
Read MoreSWIFT CURRENT, SK – As part of its spring graduation ceremonies, Great Plains College will name its first President Emeritus, founding president, Mark Frison.
Great Plains College announces new Practical Nursing program in Kindersley
Read MoreKINDERSLEY, SK – Great Plains College is pleased to announce the addition of the Practical Nursing program to its Kindersley Campus program offerings. This full-time diploma program is set to start in fall 2025 and applications will open in fall 2024.
Great Plains College raises over $41,000 at the 12th annual Carhartts & Caviar Welding Showcase and Auction
Read MoreSWIFT CURRENT, SK – Great Plains College was excited to welcome a sold-out crowd the Carhartts & Caviar Welding Showcase and Auction on March 7 to raise funds for the Welding program and scholarship fund.